Why Work with a Broker?
A question we are often asked is, “Would it be any cheaper or easier for me to go directly to the insurance company, rather than use a broker?” The simple answer is no. It is not cheaper and definitely not easier to go directly to a company for coverage. Having an unbiased advocate on your side (that’s us!) to help guide you through the Medicare maze will help you get the plan that fits you best.
Silver Lining Medicare Solutions offers the same exact plans that the carriers have, and there’s no upcharge or middleman fees when you work with us. If you call an insurance company directly, the only plans they will discuss are ones they offer. In Fayette County alone, there are more than 100 different Medicare Advantage plans offered by 10 different insurance companies (and that doesn’t include the 30+ Prescription Drug Plans and 20+ Supplemental carriers offered here). That’s a lot of time on the phone!

Silver Lining is an independent agency. That means we are credentialed and contracted to represent several insurance companies, not just one. We know each plan in great detail and are acutely aware of their costs, provider networks, drug formularies, plan layouts and extra benefits they may offer. We use our knowledge to help guide you to the most beneficially outcome based on your unique needs and wants.
Keep in mind, most Medicare coverage options are individual plans (no family or spousal plans). It’s important to make your decision based off of your needs, not others. We sometimes have clients ask us to enroll them in “XYZ” plan because it worked well for their neighbor. After reviewing the specifics of the plan, we determined it wouldn’t be a good fit because their doctor wasn’t in network, or their medication would be more expensive on that plan versus a different, better suited option.
We also take the time to determine if there are any programs individuals may qualify for to help with things like prescription costs (Part D’s Extra Help program), paying their Part B premium, and help with co-pays & co-insurance.
When we assist in enrolling a client in their plan, we are assigned the designation of “Agent of Record”, which allows us to work with the insurance company on your behalf (if needed) to provide ongoing maintance, service and problem resolution. When you buy on your own, you don’t have someone to advocate for you.
Enrolling a client earns the agent a commission, however the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sets standard commission rates for Medicare Advantage and Part D Drug plans, so there is no bias or incentive to push one plan more than another (we wouldn’t do that either way, though).
Megan knows that change happens. Whether it’s your health, doctors, or medications that change, SLMS offers plan reviews every year during Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period. This gives you the ability to remain on your current plan, or choose a new plan for the following year if another plan better fits your needs.
You win when you have Silver Lining Medicare Solutions on your team. And we are there for you for the whole game.